Christine Nabukeera Writing, Editing and Proofreading
Editing services for term papers and admission essays, resumes, manuscripts, and research proposals.

The editing process involves proofreading, language editing, copyediting and restructuring difficult sentences and paragraphs to create a clear and concise document. I assess for consistency and/or missing information. I make suggestions about presentation and flow of information to ensure that the document realizes your intended objectives.
Checking against the original - will correct errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar.
Standardizing English
Sentence structure, word choice, paragraph cohesion
Reports, Summaries
Qualitative Research and Analysis, Needs Assessment, Ethnographic
Christine Nabukeera has been conducting research for over twenty years. I write reports, project summaries, job descriptions, funding proposals, admission essays, resumes, and cover letters. I follow specifications for the subject matter, length, tone, and intended audience provided to me by the client.
Give me your dense and complex document. I will make it clear to maximize the effect it has on the reader. I revise term papers, admission essays, research proposals, resumes, cover letters, and reports without sacrificing accuracy and detail. I track changes so you know exactly what I have done, and leave comments and questions to help you clarify your ideas.
There are several stages involved in editing a written project: proofreading, copyediting, language editing, and a more in-depth substantive editing to restructure difficult sentences to create a clear and concise document. I assess for consistency or missing information. I make suggestions about the presentation and the flow of information to ensure that the document achieves your intended objectives.
In copyediting, I correct
grammatical errors
incorrect punctuation
misspelled words
check for consistency in style and use of numbers
suggest how to replace misused words and phrases
I check writing projects ready for submission or publication. Providing a final read-through of a completed document helps to catch previously missed errors in design and copy. These could be any one or a combination of the following:
spelling errors
misplaced punctuation
missing text (dropped lines)
consistency in style and formatting
check heads and subheads for uniformity in style
check the table of contents and chapter openings
check running heads and footers
check pagination.
Your resume must stand out from the pile, or else you will never get a chance to prove yourself!
Your resume gives the first impression to a potential employer. It determines whether you will get the job you are looking for. A professionally written resume will pay for itself hundreds of times over!
Engagement and capacity building
Christine Nabukeera has two decades’ experience in organizational development, program design and implementation, health promotion, and qualitative research—skills that support collective learning and innovation.
The cornerstone of this work is to help individuals and groups with diverse ideas and experiences deliberate, discuss, and explore avenues to address complex issues together. A complex issue is one whose solution does not lie within a single perspective. Finding a solution involves working together steadily with various partners who each have their own understanding of the problem—and who each own a piece of the solution.
Fees and Pricing
Before starting a project, I clarify the requirements with the client. I then provide time and cost estimates for the project before the work begins.
There are several factors associated with writing and editing services, and as a result, prices differ based on the complexity and size of a project. Bundling of services and discounts for students are available because my business is to help you do yours!
Note: Pricing will depend on the nature and scope of the work to be done.